How the uniform can help a Scout

Whenever a Scout sees another person in a Scout uniform, he or she recognizes that other Scout as someone who, like them, has committed themselves principles of the Scout Oath and Scout Law. The Scout Oath and Law bind all Scouts around the world together in a common purpose. By wearing the uniform, Scouts give each other strength and support. Beyond accenting the common bond between Scouts, by wearing the uniform Scouts are declaring their faith and commitment to some important beliefs that bind them to all people. It is a way of making visible their loyalty to our country and their commitment to helping other people who need them.

How the uniform can help the Pack

When properly worn, the uniform can help build good Pack spirit. The uniform makes the Pack visible as a force for good in the community. Scouts in uniform create a strong, positive, youth image in the neighborhood.

Class “A” and Class “B” uniforms

Scouts are expected to wear their Class "A" uniform at all regular Pack Meetings and, as determined by the Den Leader at Den Meetings as well as at other Pack or Den events (e.g. service projects, sporting events, campouts, etc.).

The Class “A” uniform consists of:

  • Shirts: Lions wear the official Lion t-shirt instead of a uniform shirt; Blue Cub Scout Uniform shirt (Tiger-Bear); and Tan Webelos Uniform shirt (Webelos I and II/Arrow of Light)

  • Neckerchief and slide: Pack 159 will provide the neckerchief

  • Navy blue shorts/pants/skort: does not have to be “official version” from Scout Shop

  • Webbed belt and belt buckle: navy for Cub Scouts; olive green for Webelos (does not have to be “official version” from Scout Shop)

  • Appropriate patches: council strip, Pack numerals, Den numerals, world crest, etc.

  • Rank insignia and other awards: provided by Pack 159 when earned

  • Scout hat: optional, but encouraged if appropriate for outdoor activity

  • Scout socks: optional

More information about the components of the Scout uniform can be found on the following website: https://www.scoutshop.org/uniform_builder

Uniforms and supplies can be purchased either at the Northern Virginia Scout Shop or at Camp William B Snyder - located at 5232 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22151 and 6100 Antioch Road, Haymarket, Virginia 20169 respectively.

Pack 159 maintains a pretty healthy “cub closet” for gently used items as well.

The Class “B” uniform is our Pack 159 t-shirt. This is provided by the Pack for all registered Cub Scouts and Pack leaders during their first year. Additional t-shirts may be purchased in subsequent years.

For more information on the Cub Scout uniform, see your Scout’s Handbook, or view the information found here: https://www.scouting.org/programs/cub-scouts/cub-scout-uniform